
How to clean code according to refactoring pyramid?

In this post I would like to show you “Refactoring Pyramid in Practice” to clean your code. In order to do so, I will follow the sequence of small transformations like in one of refactoring examples in “Refactoring to Patterns” book by Joshua Kerievsky. The sample will show refactoring to Interpreter. Anyway I’ve experienced the…

How Pyramid of Refactoring was disovered?

General principles, patterns – at one side allow us to tidy up knowledge, use common approach when solving certain kind of problems. On the other side they might impede our creativity and inspiration. But even then we have something we can base on even if we want to reject it and invent something better. Pyramid…

Why code refactoring gives all kind of balance?

Competitive refactoring definition Refactoring is nothing more than a way and a technique to keep the balance enabling the continuation of all activities. But what is the balance? Emotional one? Certainly also, because it is easier for us when the code we write is readable and testable. We are also more comfortable when the code…

Team’s autonomy by example

Recently I wrote an article about autonomy in a nutshell. It is based on setting up boundaries of responsibilities between teams and based on trust into others that they know how to deal with their own issues the best. This entails that they do receive right to make decisions regarding their areas of responsibility in…

Team’s Autonomy

In case of struggling with care for code quality (most likely with lack of time to do this) then high time to ask two below questions comes Who is responsible for quality of code Who decides how or when the team can find time for quality Assuming the answer to the first question is obvious…